Monday Devotional: January 31, 2022



Trusting God Over Myself

Scripture: Luke 5:1-11

“Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4

Peter is obedient to the Lord in spite of his own rational objections (verse 5), and as a result, his life was never the same (verse 11). Far too often, we fail to do this. When the Lord gives us a command we don’t like or understand, we drown out the Lord’s voice with our own, leaning on our own understanding, rather than simply obeying Him.

But look at what happens! This catch of fish is clearly a miracle. Peter and the other experienced fishermen recognize this (verses 8-10a). Seeing God work, Peter is both amazed and humbled (verse 8-9). This seems a healthy and natural response, he is awestruck and overcome by his own unholiness before Christ, God incarnate.

But Peter would have experienced none of this, had he listened to his own opinion over the command of Christ. The gateway to experiencing all that God has for us, is faith. It is through faith in Him that we are saved (Acts 16:31 “…Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved…”) and through continuing to walk in faith, we will experience the best He has for us.


Lord, help me to take You more seriously, and myself and others less seriously. Let me just do what You say, hearing and responding to Your voice. Amen