Monday Devotional: January 27, 2025

Bible Reading: Luke 4:21-30 (NRSVUE)
21 Then he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” 22 All spoke well of him and were amazed at the gracious words that came from his mouth. They said, “Is this not Joseph’s son?” 23 He said to them, “Doubtless you will quote to me this proverb, ‘Doctor, cure yourself!’ And you will say, ‘Do here also in your hometown the things that we have heard you did at Capernaum.’” 24 And he said, “Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in his hometown. 25 But the truth is, there were many widows in Israel in the time of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months and there was a severe famine over all the land, 26 yet Elijah was sent to none of them except to a widow at Zarephath in Sidon. 27 There were also many with a skin disease in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.” 28 When they heard this, all in the synagogue were filled with rage. 29 They got up, drove him out of the town, and led him to the brow of the hill on which their town was built, so that they might hurl him off the cliff. 30 But he passed through the midst of them and went on his way.
Our Gospel passage continues where we left off last week with Jesus teaching in the synagogue of his hometown. In verses 16-20, he reads the scripture from Isaiah. Then as the crowd waits with almost bated breath, he finally speaks with his own words: “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” He announces that this long-awaited promise of God — to provide deliverance — has now been fulfilled in his very existence.
Jesus clearly proclaims the purpose of his mission to the Nazareth synagogue. His earthly actions will embody Isaiah’s words — releasing those in captivity, bringing sight to the blind both literally and figuratively, and freeing the oppressed with the good news of God’s encompassing love. The stories of Bartimaeus, Zacchaeus, Mary Magdalene, and others remind us how the prophet’s words were fulfilled in Jesus.
Just as Jesus was filled with the Spirit, the church today is called to be filled with the Spirit to continue the work of Jesus. All Christians are called to listen to Jesus, watch his actions, and discern in the Christian community the paths toward carrying out Christ’s mission. As the body of Christ, we are called to bring light and healing to mind, body, and spirit. In Jesus, the prophet’s words were embodied and fulfilled; as disciples of Jesus, may we follow him in his mission.
God of power, thank you for the freedom and power to continue the mission of Jesus through our acts of love. Amen.
By Libby Baxter, The Upper Room Disciplines 2025, page 47.
Bible Study
“Following Jesus” By Laura Wittman
Session Title: A Priesthood of All Believers
Focal Passage: 1 Peter 2:1-10
Purpose Statement: To live together as God’s priests.
- How does it make you feel to be chosen by God, “God’s own possession”? What responsibilities do you think come with this identity?
- What are your stumbling blocks? What are the things you must cast aside so that you aren’t hindered in your efforts as part of the royal priesthood?
- What does it mean for us to be memorials to God? How do we demonstrate that God has called us out of darkness and into light?
- How do you fit into the priesthood and Kingdom-building of the church? How can you be part of a foundation that helps others to find their place, too?
In-Person Session
Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at 1:00 pm-2:00 pm, Conference Room, McGee Building.