Welcome to Axe Memorial United Methodist Church of Garland!

We are GLAD you have stopped in to visit with us!

We are a people of faith seeking to share the love and joy of life in Christ.

All are welcome! We embrace diversity and extend a helping hand to our neighbors near and far. We are a people who get excited about the move of God in the world and in our lives. We actively seek places and opportunities to see God at work in us, through us, and for us.

Why belong to a Church?

Life can be hard. The members of Axe Memorial know that having a church family that they can turn to in times of need makes getting through life a lot easier. Being a part of this community strengthens us. We learn to be better people, to love each other, hold each other accountable, and work to become the people God wants us to be so that we can fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.