North Texas Giving Day, September 17

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Garland Charities Link

A Collaborative Charity Organization Serving Local Residents

Get Up and Give Garland on September 17

GARLAND (July 29, 2015) – With this year’s North Texas Giving Day set for September 17, Garland Charities are already gearing up for another exhilarating day of giving. On September 17, donations can be made 6 a.m. to midnight to more than 1,500 certified nonprofits listed on Donations $25 and above will be amplified by $2 million in general bonus funds and prizes.

Garland Charities Link is made up of twelve Garland based nonprofits that provide services to area residents in need.  The joint effort was the brainstorm of Garland resident, Jeff Range, he felt that many residents of Garland participated in North Texas Day of Giving, but were not aware of all the choices available that were locally based.  “Our intention is to use North Texas Day of Giving as a catalyst to build awareness and raise funds for the locally-based charities that serve the residents of our area.  We feel the best way to do this is to work with the City, the School District and, through the Chamber of Commerce, area businesses to spread the word to their employees that  Giving to Garland is an option on September 17.  All twelve 501C3 nonprofits are onboard and are sharing this message for the good of Garland. While we are each trying to raise money, we each have our niche in the services we provide and we often refer clients to each other.”

The participating charities are: Friendship House, New Beginnings Center, Garland Area Habitat for Humanity, Hope Clinic, Galaxy Counseling Center, Good Samaritans, Metro Family Ministries @theROC, Hearts & Hands, The Matthew 25:40 Project, The Warren Center, Achievement Center of Texas, and The Counseling Institute of Texas.

According to Garland Mayor, Doug Athas, “There is no side of Garland that better represents the heart of our community than the incredible charities that are at work every day helping residents on so many levels. Combined, hundreds of Garland volunteers provide vital services across a spectrum of need. On September 17, a quarter million residents can also “volunteer” by making a heart-felt contribution to our local charities in one easy contribution. They can designate that the money be divided however they desire. The reality is that we can’t all give as much time as we want but we can still help by “buying” a few volunteer hours that will go to help our entire community. It will be great for Garland if we all “volunteer” generously on September 17!”

About North Texas Giving Day

Launched in 2009 by Communities Foundation of Texas with ongoing support from Center for Nonprofit Management and The Dallas Foundation, is the most comprehensive and free public resource for connecting North Texas nonprofits and supporters. For supporters, the website simplifies the process of researching reliable information about nonprofits and community needs, and making charitable donations. For nonprofits, North Texas Giving Day serves as another awareness-building and fundraising tool. The website profiles more than 1,500 nonprofits, and since its inception has infused more than $80 million into nonprofits serving the 16-county North Texas community. Visit, Facebook-North Texas Giving Day or