Wednesday Devotional: June 23, 2021



Inconvenient Times

I desire mercy and not sacrifice. Matthew 12:7

Scripture: Mark 5:21-43

A suicidal woman stood on a bridge in Seattle for 3 hours ready to jump. The situation created such a colossal traffic jam that some motorists, caught in the delay, began to curse the woman and screamed at her to jump. She did—and she survived the 160-foot fall into a canal. Many residents later sent flowers and cards to her in the hospital, apologizing for what had happened. But some of the angry drivers phoned the local newspaper and blamed the woman for not choosing a less-traveled place to end her life.

People with urgent needs seldom intersect our lives at convenient times. Each situation demands immediate attention, often upsetting our own cherished plans.

Jesus was mobbed by needy people as He walked this earth, and we can learn from His response to them. When Jairus begged Him to come and heal his daughter, Jesus went with him (Mark 5:22-24). On the way, when a woman interrupted the procession, Jesus stopped and took the time to speak a healing word to her (vv.25-34).

Are we willing to reach out to someone in need today? Like our Lord, do we have the compassion to bring help and healing to people who feel hopeless? God grant us the grace to be available to others for His sake today.

Reflect & Pray

Lord, grant me a heart of compassion
So burdened for others’ needs,
That I will show them Your mercy
In attitudes, words, and deeds. —Fitzhugh

Compassion never goes out of fashion.